KUALA LUMPUR: An 18-year-old girl had a harrowing ordeal when her car was pushed sideways by a lorry for more than 30m after she allegedly tried to overtake the heavy vehicle at an interchange on the Duta-Ulu Klang Expressway (DUKE) yesterday.
Kuala Lumpur traffic police head of investigations DSP Shafie Daud said the accident occurred at 12.55pm at the Air Panas interchange when the lorry, driven by a 48-year-old man, and a Perodua Myvi driven by the teenager were exiting the highway.
He said initial investigations revealed the Myvi driver had tried to overtake the lorry from the left side.
Shafie said as both vehicles approached a narrow and descending bend, the Myvi was sandwiched between a concrete wall and the lorry before it spun and ended up pinned to the front of the lorry.
The car was pushed for about 30m until both vehicles came to a stop.
“Both parties have lodged a police report and were unhurt in the incident. The lorry driver claimed he was unable to stop his vehicle as the brakes had failed at the time. We will send the lorry to Puspakom to determine the condition of the lorry’s brakes,” he said.
A video of the incident went viral on social media today. It showed the car’s tyres screeching loudly while it was being “bulldozed” sideways along the road.
Sumber: kekitamedianetwork
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