Jurukamera Bernama Melecur di Paha Apabila Power Bank Dalam Beg TibaTiba Terbakar


KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Ogos: Paha kiri seorang jurukamera Bernama News Channel (BNC) melecur apabila power bank yang diletakkan di dalam begnya tiba-tiba terbakar.

Dalam kejadian yang berlaku pada 12.30 tengah hari itu, mangsa yang mahu dikenali sebagai Awie berkata, dia sedang bertugas membuat liputan berita di satu majlis di Chow Kit.

Saya duduk di kerusi sambil memangku beg di atas paha, tiba-tiba seorang wanita menjerit melihat beg saya terbakar di bahagian bawah,” katanya sebagaimana lapor Bernama.

Beliau kemudian ke klinik untuk mendapatkan rawatan akibat melecur.


Power bank itu hadiah yang saya terima semasa membuat liputan dan baru menggunakannya semalam, saya juga telah mengecas penuh power bank itu namun tidak sempat menggunakannya hari ini,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Harian Metro melaporkan, Awie berkata, ketika kejadian dia baru sahaja selesai membuat rakaman visual di tingkat atas dan turun kebawah dan duduk bersama rakan media lain.

Saya mahu ambil telefon bimbit dalam poket sebelah kanan, tiba-tiba seorang wanita menjerit ke arah saya sambil menunjuk beg yang riba.

Saya panik, apabila melihat beg dan seluar saya terbakar serta berlubang. Saya tidak perasan kerana powerbank berkenaan tidak meletup. Cuma keluar bunyi macam bunga api,” katanya.

Awie berkata, dia kemudiannya membersihkan kesan terbakar berkenaan di tandas dan kemudiannya sedar yang kulit pada bahagian paha sudah melekat pada seluar.

Saya terpaksa meminta tolong rakan wartawan untuk menghantar saya pulang ke rumah untuk menukar seluar sebelum saya memandu sendiri ke klinik.

“Nasib baik kejadian berlaku di tempat awam dan ada orang nampak. Tak tahu lah kalau jadi masa saya memandu ke, dalam penerbangan ke, tak dapat saya bayangkan,” katanya yang menerima rawatan pesakit luar.

Sumber :mStar Online,Harian Metro



Asbestos lung cancer is the most common cause of occupational cancer death, especially in the United States of America. Although actually it is a rare type of lung cancer. Osbestos lung cancer is caused by lots of exposure of toxic asbestos fibers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), half of occupational cancer deaths are caused by asbestos. Osbestos lung cancer is typically diagnosed at a late stage because it takes decades, about 15 years to 35 years to develop. But it only takes months for the cancer to spread. Here are the causes and the treatmentsof osbestos lung cancer, which hopefully make us more alert.


Just as its name,asbestos lung cancer is caused lots of exposure of asbestos. Asbestos is natural mineral which is owned and used since the late 1800s by many companies and manufacturers in North America. If the product contained in asbestos is disturbed, the microscopic fibers are released into the air. If this microcospic fibers are inhaled, they are trapped in the lungs. For a long period of time, the inhalation of this asbestos is accumulated and causes critical health problems. Not only causing critical health problems, lots of inhalation of asbestos can also cause inflammation and scarring.

The duration and the concentration of the exposure of asbestos have important roles in developing lung cancer. The higher duration and concentration asbestos fibers exposure, the higher risk of lung cancer. After decades, this asbestos exposure not only cause asbestos lung cancer, but it can also form tumor by irritating and damaging cells in body. It depends on a persons genetic, health, and habit.

For those who smoke, it will increase the risk of the development of asbestos lung cancer. Smoking will aggravate potential symptoms which are related to asbestos. Other factors which affects on the development of asbestos lung cancer are bad life style and dietary, and also high stress.


For a beginning, it often starts with primary care to assess the symptoms which occurs. Referral to specialist doctors depends on which bodys part which is producing the symptoms. X-Rays, CT scan and PET scan are standard tests which have to be done when all types of cancer, including asbestos lung cancer are suspected. Just like all types of cancer, asbestos lung cancer is treated with surgery and therapy. Chemoteraphy can be used for treating asbestos lung cancer, but the drugs are varied.

Those are the causes and the treatments of asbestos lung cancer. Hopefully they will make us more cautious with asbestos lung cancer.

Sumber: penhijaudaun

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